Books I have read so far in 2024

No. Title Author Genre Date Started Date Finished
1 The Last Light of the Sun Guy Gavriel Kay Fantasy 01/10 01/22
2 The Three Body Problem Liu Cixin Science Fiction 01/23 01/29
3 The Dark Forest Liu Cixin Science Fiction 01/29 02/16
4* 2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C Clarke Science Fiction 02/05 02/18
5 Death’s End Liu Cixin Science Fiction 02/17 02/27
6*† A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson NF/Science 02/19 03/01
7 Under Heaven Guy Gavriel Kay Fantasy 02/28 03/02
8* I am a Stranger Here Myself Bill Bryson NF/Memoir, Humor 03/02 03/10
9 River of Stars Guy Gavriel Kay Fantasy 03/03 03/13
10 The Killing Star Zebrowski, Pellegrino Science Fiction 03/15 03/24
11* Robot Dreams Isaac Asimov Science Fiction 03/15 04/25
12 Disquiet Gods Chris Ruocchio Science Fiction 04/05 05/11
13* The Making of the Atomic Bomb Richard Rhodes NF/Science 04/15 CURRENT
14 How to Invent Everything Ryan North NF/Science 04/22 CURRENT
15* Robot Visions Isaac Asimov Science Fiction 05/02 05/18
16 The Silverblood Promose James Logan Science Fiction 05/23 05/26
17 Consider Phlebas Iain M Banks Science Fiction 06/01 06/08
18 Player of Games Iain M Banks Science Fiction 06/12 06/24
19 Use of Weapons Iain M Banks Science Fiction 06/24 07/01
20 State of the Art Iain M Banks Science Fiction 07/01 07/03
21* Excession Iain M Banks Science Fiction 07/11 07/23
22* Inversions Iain M Banks Science Fiction 07/24 07/26
23* Look to Windward Iain M Banks Science Fiction 07/27 08/08
24* Matter Iain M Banks Science Fiction 08/11 09/07
25 Foundations of InfoSec Jason Andress Science Fiction 09/05 09/10
26* Surface Detail Iain M Banks Science Fiction 09/09 10/21
27* Hydrogen Sonata Iain M Banks Science Fiction 11/04 12/19
28 There is No Antimemetics Division qntm Horror 12/19 WTF
29* Enchiridion Epictetus Philosophy 12/26 12/27
30 Red Mars Kim Stanley Robinson Science Fiction 12/29 1/14/25

(*) : Audiobooks

(†) : Reread

(-) : Postponed for Later

(WTF) : Absolute garbage wtf is this lmao